A Revised Appraisal of Scientific Names Used in the 1915 List of Lichens of the Maltese Islands by S. Sommier and A. Caruana Gatto

Authors: Jennifer Fiorentino

Corresponding: Jennifer Fiorentino (jennifer.fiorentino@um.edu.mt)

Keywords: Maltese Islands, lichens, checklist, endemism

Doi: http://dx.medra.org/10.7423/XJENZA.2017.2.06

Issue: Xjenza Online Vol. 5 Iss. 2 - December 2017

In 1915, Stefano Sommier and Alfredo Caruano Gatto published a list of lichens from the Maltese Islands. This author published an appraisal of the scientific names used in their list in 2002. The present work aims to replace the previous work given the important changes which have occurred in lichen nomenclature.

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