CM1106 STEMCHEM: Chemical Approaches to Targeting Drug Resistance Cancer Stem Cells

Authors: Pierre Schembri-Wismayer, Analisse Cassar, Krystle Blaire Theuma, Iona Stipourou, Daniele Passarella, Sherif Suleiman, Neville Micallef

Corresponding: Pierre Schembri-Wismayer (

Keywords: Stem cells, Cancer, Differentiation, COST, drug resistance


Issue: Xjenza Online Vol. 4 Iss. 1 - July 2016

STEMCHEM is a COST action aiming to target causes of drug resistance in cancer stem cells. Cancer stem cells are cells which are believed to be re- sponsible for the larger part of the regenerative capacity of cancers. They are also thought to be similar to adult stem cells in that they do not proliferate most of the time and are thus resistant to many kinds of chemotherapy. The action brings together labs around Europe in both biological and chemical elds to work together in this regard. Biologists targeting individual stem-cell related molecules as well as stem cell phenotypes (like the un- differentiated state), test chemicals from numerous labs for activity in high throughput screens, with the aim of identifying new drug targets. This COST action, like most others, o ers opportunities for Malta, both in a general way and also particularly for a small country with small labs.

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