Conducting an online STEAM-themed treasure hunt event during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Authors: Ciara Lynch, Maria Vittoria Gargiulo, Caterina Mogno, Oluwafikayo A. Oyewale, Mark Ivan C. Roblas, Edward Duca

Corresponding: Edward Duca (

Keywords: Online event, STEM communication, Treasure hunt, Covid-19 impact, Youth event, STEAM

Doi: 10.7423/XJENZA.2024.2.02

Issue: Xjenza Online Vol. 12 Issue 1

The in-person Malta-based STEAM Summer School intensive science communication course was transformed into the STEAM Digital School due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. Still retaining real world features, the course managed to incorporate individuals from three different continents to learn and work together simultaneously. Upon completion of the course, the students organised an online event during worldwide Stay-at-Home restrictions to stimulate excitement among youths about scientific topics; in this case, communication within nature. The organisers chose to develop an online treasure hunt for teenagers, a novel format for online learning. The game involved solving puzzles with a science theme through an online platform. Through this medium, the participants were exposed to scientific ideas such as quantum waves, and how a microwave works, in order to increase their possible interest in the area. The organisers aimed to encourage the participants to develop an interest in science and research within society, against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. The event was evaluated to understand the impact on the participants and organisers, and the results indicated the event was generally enjoyed by the participants, though some puzzle difficulties were perhaps too high for those in the targeted age bracket of 16-19 year olds. Further suggestions for the improvement of the online intensive course and this event format are discussed within the report. We found the event format to be an overall success, with all participants indicating an increased interest in science as a result.

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