Quality education, social cohesion and active labour market policies: A comparative analysis of two European island states

Authors: Camilleri Mark Anthony, Adriana Caterina Camilleri

Corresponding: Camilleri Mark Anthony (mark.a.camilleri@um.edu.mt)

Keywords: Quality education, social inclusion, Social cohesion, Labour market, Malta, Cyprus, European Union

Doi: 10.7423/XJENZA.2023.1.04

Issue: Xjenza Online Vol. 11 Special Issue (Top Scientists)

Societies benefit from the delivery of inclusive education, lifelong learning and from active labour market policies. Therefore, this research presents a critical review of the relevant literature. It features a comparative analysis on the latest socio-economic policies that are currently being implemented in the Mediterranean island states of Malta and Cyprus. The findings suggest that both countries need to attract more students to vocational and higher education in order to improve their employment prospects. The latest European reports indicate that their labour market policies are increasingly targeting vulnerable individuals, including women, single parents, older adults and migrant workers, among others, who are not in employment, education or training. In conclusion, this contribution implies that the pursuit of continuous improvements in quality education and social cohesion can create a virtuous cycle of productivity outcomes, including job creation and societal well-being.

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