Reviewing the review process: New Frontiers of Peer Review

Authors: Ramani Wijesinha-Bettoni, Kalpana Shankar, Ana Marusic, Francisco Grimaldo, Marco Seeber, Bruce Edmonds, Chiara Franzoni, Flaminio Squazzoni

Corresponding: Flaminio Squazzoni (

Keywords: none


Issue: Xjenza Online Vol. 4 Iss. 1 - July 2016

This news article introduces a new COST Action entitled PEERE (TD1306), which stands for New Frontiers of Peer Review (PEERE). PEERE is a trans-domain proposal which brings together research- ers from various different disciplines and science stake- holders for the purpose of reviewing the process of peer review. PEERE ocially began in May 2014 and will end in May 2018. Thirty-one countries, including Malta, are currently participating in the Action. In order to set the context in which this COST Action was initiated, we rst look very brie y at the history of the process of peer review and various models of peer review currently in use. We then share what this COST Action hopes to achieve.

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