The Beautiful World of Human Haemoglobin; Revisited

Authors: Alex Felice

Corresponding: Alex Felice (

Keywords: Haemoglobins, Thalasaemia, Polymorphism

Doi: 107423/XJENZA.2023.1.11

Issue: Xjenza Online Vol. 11 Special Issue (Top Scientists)

When the Editor of XJENZA-ON-LINE asked me to contribute to this special edition to celebrate the 30 year anniversary of the Malta Chamber of Scientists, I thought of reviewing my research on the genetics and pathophysiology of human Haemoglobin (Hb) largely from a personal perspective. The journal first known as XJENZA was, of course, close to my heart since it was published by the Chamber soon after we had founded it in 1992 (Fig 1) and I was President (Felice A.E., & Muscat R. 1996) Patrick Schembri had taken the initiative on the Council, and Angela Xuereb was the first editor (Xuereb A., 1996) XJENZA-ON-LINE succeeded the printed XJENZA. Giuseppe de Giovanni was the first editor.

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